Congratulations to all of the McCall Science Fair Participants- Click on the below Flickr link to see all the projects for the 2011-2012 McCall Science Fair. (Only works on non-SDP internet connections)

8th Grade Prezi on Space Flight, Gravity, and Forces.
8A- 325

McCall School is proud to be an Official Partner of the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival to be held in the greater Washington DC area in April 2012.
What is the universe made of? Why did dinosaurs go extinct? What do magic tricks and hip-hop have to with math? What will be the next medical breakthrough? What does baseball have to do with physics? Find out at the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival Expo on April 28-29, 2012! Explore science & engineering with 2,000 free, hands-on activities and over 100 stage shows and author presentations. The two-day Expo is perfect for teens, children and their families, and anyone with a curious mind who is looking for a weekend of fun and discovery. Meet Science Celebrities, award-winning Science Authors and Nobel Prize winners from the past and present. New this year: A Career Pavilion for high-school students and a Book Fair featuring over 30 science authors! For more information, visit
Due Dates are the end of the 3rd quarter for your Science Fair Final Report and May 14thfor the presentation board and your PowerPoint presentation. If you need help with your experiment, report, or presentation please see me as soon as possible.
Remember to keep track of everything you do for your science fair project in your science fair log book.

Science Fair Research Plan Template.doc
Science Fair Report Grading Rubric.doc
Rock Cycle Interactive
Rock Games

Carver Science Fair Application Process (Due January 10th):
ALL student applications MUST include the following completed documents (Due January 10th):
a. 17 lines of information
b. Student’s AND Sponsor’s signature (Mr. Knoflicek will be the Sponsor for all projects)
4. Research Plan. This is MANDATORY for students in Grades 4-6 as well as MANDATORY for students in Grades 7-12.
a. This plan must be typed and submitted by email to Mr. Knoflicek ( Rough Draft Due Jan 3rd and Final Draft Due Jan 9th.
b. This plan must include the following sections:
i. Research Question
ii. Hypothesis/Problem/Engineering Goals
iii. Method/Procedures
iv. Bibliography in APA Format– with a minimum of five major references (one of which is not a website)
use to help format your references.
Some of the information needed to properly cite a web site may include:
- Name of Web Page Creator (If Given)
- Title of the Web Site
- Date of Last Update (If Given)
- Name of Any Organization Associated With Web Site (If Given)
- Date you Looked at the Web Site
- Web Site's URL (Network Address)
For Wikipedia Articles that you cite: refer here:
a. Sections 1a and 1b
Additional Forms (if necessary)
Other forms may be necessary depending on the nature of the project. These forms include:
1. Regulated Research Institutional/Industrial Setting Form (#1C), for experiments conducted in a location other than at school, at home, or in the field. Regulated Research 1C.pdf
2. Qualified Scientist Form (#2),for experiments involving human subjects, vertebrate animals, potentially hazardous biological agents, and DEA-controlled substances. Qualified Scientist Form 2.pdf
3. Risk Assessment Form (#3), for projects using hazardous chemicals, activities or devices. Risk Assessment Form 3.pdf
4. Human Subjects Form (#4),for research involving human subjects. Human Subjects Form 4.pdf
5. Vertebrate Animal Form (#5A), for research involving vertebrate animals that is conducted in a Non-Regulated Research Site. Verterbrate Animal Form 5A.pdf
6. Vertebrate Animal Form (#5B), for research involving vertebrate animals that is conducted at a Regulated Research Institution. Verterbrate Animal Form 5B.pdf
7. Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Risk Assessment Form (#6A), for research involving microorganisms, rDNA, fresh/frozen tissue, blood and body fluids.Potentially Hazardous Bio Agents Form 6A.pdf
8. Informed Consent for providing information to the research subject (or parent/guardian) and to document written informed consent, minor assent, and/or parental permission. Sample Informed Constent Form.pdf
Abstract (To Be Completed After you Finish your Experiment)
Completing the Abstract
After finishing research and experimentation, you are required to write a (maximum) 250 word, one-page abstract. This should be written on the Official Abstract and Certification Form as provided by Science Service. The abstract should include:
a) purpose of the experiment
b) b) procedures used,
c) c) data, and
d) d) conclusions.
It may also include any possible research applications.
Only minimal reference to previous work may be included. An abstract should not include:
a) acknowledgments (including naming the research institution and/ or mentor with which you were working), or
b) work or procedures done by the mentor.

8th Grade Evaluation of Nanotechnology Interviews,
Listen to and answer the questions on this Student Evaluation Worksheet based on your assigned speaker #: Student_Evaluation_of_Nanotechnology_Int.doc
Speaker Barry Stein (#1)
Speaker Doug Cinoman (#2)
Speaker Ian Harris (#3)
Speaker Joesph Bordogna (#4)
Speaker Melissa Johnson (#5)
Speaker Cathie Markham (#6)
Speaker David Luzzi (#7)
Speaker Nilesh Shah (#8)
Speaker Han Cao (#9)
Speaker John Mallamo (#10)
Speaker Brian Ruby (#11)
Speaker Ben Legum (#12)
Speaker Greg Jablonsky (#13)
Speaker Walter Waurick (#14)
Speaker Barry Stein (#15)
Speaker Doug Cinoman (#16)
Speaker Ian Harris (#17)
Speaker Joesph Bordogna (#18)

Link of 2010-2011 Student Science Fair Projects (only works when not connected to the PhilaSD Network)
McCall Science Fair 2011-2012!!
McCall Science Fair Project Documentation:
Research Plan Rubric 2011-2012.doc
Science Fair Research Plan Template.doc

George Washington Carver Science Fair applications are now available online. More info and templates for assignments leading up to the Fair in early March 2012.
8th Grade Khan Academy Videos on Elements and an Introduction to the Atom
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7th Grade Khan Academy Videos on an Introduction to Heredity and the Parts of the Cell
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